ME 35ETR-1ph
Further enhanced compared to its predecessor with the new end cutting-rounding unit. This new unit allows further processing, saving a substantial amount of time with an ease of processing. This technological solution is unique in its category, where such operations are normally a feature of more expensive and higher level machinery. Technical Data 1ph 10" EYE-S touch screen control Units: Dual pre-mil combined End trim and Corner rounding Top/bottom trim • Work table dimensions mm 3000 x 525 • Min. ÷ max. thickness of rolled edges mm 0,4 ÷ 3 • Max. thickness of edges in strips mm 5 • Min. ÷ max. panel height mm 8 ÷ 50 • Min. panel length/width mm 190/110 • Min. panel length/width with end cutting/rounding unit mm 120/110
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